- God is REALLY BIG-I have had a number of difficult times this year, whether it was the trouble of transitioning to a city where I didn't know anybody or the culture, issues with having no idea how to do my job, or any other of a number of things. Throughout all of them, one of the most comforting things for me to remember is that me being here is not an accident. My presence in this specific place at this specific time is a part of God's plan that He had before He formed the earth, and He has me here for a purpose. Reflecting on that truth makes it hard to stay discouraged by various trials for too long.
- Unity is awesome (and essential)-One of the highlights of my year has been meeting on a weekly basis with youth leaders from churches across the city to pray together for our youth. The people in this group are some of my closest friends in Hong Kong. Despite a number of differences in doctrine, church structure, etc. we are able to recognize the fact that we have Christ in common, and that the common bond of Christ is stronger than any secondary differences that may separate us. Having this unity allows us to work together to see God glorified in Hong Kong, rather than working in competition to see us and our individual ministries glorified. This unity has born amazing fruit in the youth of this city.
- Your heart will follow your treasure-Growing up, I would always read Jesus statement in Matthew 6:21 ("Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also") as saying that where we invest our treasure is indicative of where our hearts are. While this is true on one level, I have learned this year that it works the opposite way as well. When we place our treasure somewhere, our hearts will follow our treasure. This is not an original insight-I read it in a book, but can't remember which one-but I have really gotten to see it in action this year. When I came to Hong Kong, the plan was to stay for one year, then go back to the States. After spending a year of my life in this city, investing in this city, getting involved in the lives of the people of this city-investing my "treasures" here-I have grown to love this city. That is why I will be staying in Hong Kong for another year (although I will be working at a different job here).
There are many more lessons I have learned over the past year, maybe they will be shared in future posts. (or maybe not... time will tell)
Happy Anniversary, Eric! I can't wait to see how God works in the next year! :)