Thursday, May 6, 2010


Well, as you probably know by now (since you are on this page), I am going to be spending 14 months in Hong Kong. Nathan (the pastor of the church I'll be working with in Hong Kong) and I decided yesterday that we are shooting for a June 19 departure date for me, which gives me 42 days left in the states before I leave... While in Hong Kong, I will be working at International Baptist Church as a youth intern. My job responsibilities will include school visitation, youth group, small group discipleship, planning for and helping run summer camp, and doing outreach events. I plan on using this blog throughout the trip to send updates, prayer requests, keep people aware of what's going on in my life, etc. I may post a couple of things on here before I leave, but the posts will probably not be on a very regular basis until I actually arrive in Hong Kong. In the meantime, I appreciate all the prayers I can get.